Tuesday, July 15, 2008

stick your head in the oven.

oh wait....

please add to that previous list:

an oven that doesn't work.
and a ruined bookcase due to the water leaking out into my garage.

and still no acknowledgement from the property management company about the water leak. i sent an email last night about the oven and got a response about an hour ago... but the SEVERAL emails i've sent over the past week, about the water, have gone unnoticed.

i'm starting to get pissed. i'm so done with feeling bad that i've had to contact them so much. i'm now at the OVER it place. and i've only been there a week.


Donna Jean said...

This is when you look in the phone book and find a lawyer's name and when you send them another email cc it to the lawyer...make up an address and tell them you have contacted this lawyer, hopefully it will get some action....

christelpistol said...

oooh ... that's a good idea!

themommie said...

while you are at it, check ALL light switches, power outlets, dishwasher, etc. to find out if anything else doesn't work - oh yeah, and check to make sure all doors and windows close and LOCK properly

donna has the right idea - but also, print out the emails you have sent already and put them in envelope and send to management company - as extra assurance that you have notified them IN WRITING!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

and keep a copy of everything you send, the name of every person you talk to at the management company, and the time and date you talk to them.

trust me, the phrase "and what did you say YOUR name was?" is a better mover than ex lax. as soon as you start making them think their singular ass is on the line they become compliant quickly.

christelpistol said...

oh i have them all saved.

but since i cannot request maintenance over the phone, it makes it hard. BUT there is one person who is responsible for the maintenence... and i have her card.

ima hate to have to go over someone's head again.

christelpistol said...

AND... i have this blog as reference as well. it's IN writing.

Angela said...

lemme know when its time to go slash some times or crack some heads... I'm ALL OVER it!

christelpistol said...

so i submitted a maintenance request from the property management online form. and about 4 hours later i get a voicemail, "hi this is XXXX from XXXX Plumbing, i wanna see if i can come to your house and fix your water"

WOW. apparently i got a little notice THIS time around.

i did have to laugh when he got a little miffed that i wasnt able to drop what i was doing and meet him at my house within an hour.