Monday, September 8, 2008


ever have 2 things coming up that are polar opposites?

this Wednesday, by baby brother Ian is coming down to spend some days with me on his way to Corpus Christi.
on the same day, Papa John* is having heart surgery.

both of these things are big deals. so, i'm pretty sure i will be in some weird headspace then. and i'm sure Papa John will be fine. i mean CAAAAMMAAAANNNNN... he's Papa John. have you MET him?

so, send out some good thoughts for him on Wednesday. and send safe driving thoughts for Baby Brother Ian. and send healing liver thoughts for me. cause i'm pretty sure Ian and i will try to break ours over the course of 2 days.

cause THAT is how we roll. it's the Townsend way.

*Adopted Father figure who lives in Georgetown. we love him truckloads. he's ultra cute in a Pirate hat too.


Donna Jean said...

Good thoughts and well wishes for both!!!

Ian Townsend said...

See you soon sis!