i want to thank all of you who sent out good thoughts and vibes for Papa John. he came through with flying colors.
when i called him on
Thursday morning, he sounded great. instead of replacing his leaky valve, they were able to repair it. and THAT is awesome! when we spoke, they had taken the respirator out and he was sitting up. he had been up and walking around and was doing great. he told me that it was a pretty good looking scar. he said that as a biker he needed some good scars and that all he had were just "weenie ones". i said, "hell of a way to get one. 'Excuse me, i will take the LARGE scar' and you KNOW chicks dig scars!"
here's to speedy healing for Papa John.
and Ian and i had a great visit too! we did try to break our livers. we had a blast just hanging out. we ate way too much food. and laughed until our sides hurt. then the stupid Navy was all, "we need you to leave BEFORE
Saturday to come down to Corpus." ya know.. with the impending hurricane and all. and then when he got there, they said, "you TOTALLY could have waited until Monday"
and in conclusion, Gulliver and i are done. this last time was to finish up unfinished business, i guess. or something.
i'm ok. i have some sad moments about it occasionally, but it was
inevitable and for
the best. and
i'm glad we gave it one more go. it was always an adventure.
now on to a new one. it's a little "bean in the cup" right now... (will and grace reference for those of you playing the home game) and i
don't want to talk about it too much here. cause it's juicy and all... but let's just say, I'm HAPPY.
i'm VERY happy. and THAT is goodness.