Sunday, May 18, 2008


i read THIS blog every Sunday.
sometimes they hit home. sometimes they make me sad. sometimes they give me courage.

this one made me burst into tears the moment i saw it.

i've said many goodbyes lately. and no matter how much i learn, it still hurts.


Allie said...

it's the first thing i check every sunday morning.

and sometimes they are WAY too true. but it makes me feel less alone.

christelpistol said...

do you ever find yourself TRYING to find something to send in?

Allie said...

writing it down makes it too real.

but i like reading the others.

Tasty said...

I don't have a secret that one of the numb3rs or my vbf doesn't know.

christelpistol said...


i have lots of secrets.

Allie said...

me too kiddo.
i still have secrets.

blondie said...

postsecret is the best, especially when someone nails it right on the head. The poignant ones are fantastic but something about the funny but true 'cards really make my day...